Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"But again..." -Dave

So I was bored at colloquium the other day and I decided it would be interesting to count how many times dave said "again" during the meeting.

So I counted and recorded it on paper.

From 5:05 to 5:50, aka 45 minutes...

77 times.


that's almost 2 agains per minute.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ninja Battle, the movie!

Ok everyone!

here it is! My final project!

I'm really happy with how it came out.

I wasn't able to do the wall running scene, but everything else came out pretty well.

My friends bailed on me at the last second, and just when I thought I'd have to use legos, my sister and her friend stepped up to help me. I'm really grateful for that. Thanks guys!

I also made the DVDS already, complete with a CD cover.

Ok, without further delay.....

It's not the best quality here; I'm looking for a way to post a higher quality one either here or on facebook. we'll see what happens.

Let me know what you think everyone, I put my heart and soul into this!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

movie in progress

So here we are, saturday night, and I have good news and bad news...

bad news is my friends couldn't make it, and I was stuck waiting till today to shoot and edit.

good news is my sister and her friend volunteered to help and I got the majority of the work done.

bad news is im still pressed for time, and I doubt that the wall running scene will get into the movie.

good news is im still using live actors, and it's coming along quite well.

bad news is I go back to school tomorrow afternoon.

good news is I'm going to finish tomorrow morning.

and the final bit of news is this:

I've uploaded the movie in progress. I dunno what the quality will be like, but tell me what you think in general.

I was thinking of keeping my video a secret until the very end, but well, I figure not many people will be looking at my blog anyway, and those who do deserve some sort of reward for being nice to me.

keep in mind, it's very rough, there are several scenes missing, and the music will vary towards the end, but the general order and concept are intact.

lastly....the song continues past when the movie is done....when the screen goes black, it's over, there's nothing else.

happy viewing!

Monday, November 24, 2008

3 pictures

Ok here they are...

I admit, they are pretty rough, and obviously rushed...but that's what happens when things don't go your way the first time...

but whatever....It's the movie that will be my pride....3 frames is not enough to work with.

Be prepared for something cool when the movie is done.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

P.S. A great purchase

Oh by the way...

I forgot to mention....I bought the best thing ever 
at Cameras Etc. It it's sure to come in handy for this project, especially since I need to be in the scene and taking pictures at the same time.

here's a hint.


well worth every cent.

stunt doubles

Ok, so I tried to get some work done on my movie today, but some people who had agreed to help me bailed, so we were left short handed. 

plus, we got a late start, and it quickly got dark on us. damn daylight savings and such.
so we gave up for the night

a problem we had was that the concept of the wall run, although interesting, was near impossible with only three people. I pondered how to fix this problem, as I really wanted to keep this scene in my animation.

then it hit me.

Stunt doubles.
although I would have to forfeit the ability to say "yes, that is me running on the wall" I knew that it was for the good of the production, so I got to work on a dummy.

Here you see the result, christened "Popeye" due to his ginormous forearms.

this bad boy is made entirely of clothes. a LOT of clothes.

but he weighs less than a person, so he is a success.

Up close, it's pretty obvious that he's a dummy, so we're going to use him as little as possible...I'd like it if we only needed Popeye for the wall running scene. Everything else should be live actors.

But hey, all good action movies these days have stunt doubles.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

AIM icons

I can  make custom icons, which include AIM icons.

like this one.

anyone want one?

they can be customized any way you want.

This is animated too, I hope it shows up here.

let me know! :)